Sunday, April 15, 2012

To those of you in need of hope...

(Perhaps particularly my dear Scandinavian friends, wading - again - in slushy snow...)

It can take a blue form...

... or lean more towards pink...

But most importantly: spring will come, and with it, 
a delightful promise that things will grow again, and that all will be good in the end.

I have just returned from a couple of weeks away over Easter, and even though the winds still sing the tune of their northern cousins, the floral explosion is a heart-warming and very welcome guest. These are photos from a walk earlier today, with the oh-so-essential ice-cream stop here in Castle Combe.

Thank you for stopping by, and a special thank you to those of you having left such wonderful words on my last blog post. Every word is precious - thank you!

Wishing you a lovely start to the new week!