Monday, June 4, 2012

Dyrham Park Part I...

Dear readers,
With nearly two weeks since my last blog post, and with nothing new to report interior-wise from the Swenglish abode, I instead invite you to stroll with me in the sun in a green haven the Swenglish family enjoyed earlier today...

Just north of Bath lies this lovely 17th-century mansion, garden and deer park...

... and despite it being so close to home, it was our first visit today.

The deer are very used to humans strolling straight through "their" grounds, and barely raised as much as a sleepy eyebrow when many of us crept closer to snap a few close-ups of these beautiful, spotty creatures. 

Discovering this pond, with its stunning symphony of mossy stones on the bottom, old stone wall at the back, wisteria dribbling down mentioned wall, and green, green, everywhere green... well, I could only just refrain from letting out a big "Weeeeeee... yippey!"...

As today was a bank holiday here in the UK, the park was full of people who, 
like us, were trying to make the most of this Jubilé-scented day off.

Despite the large number of people in the park today, it is big enough (110 hectares/272 acres)
 to allow for many tranquil spots where benches invite you to contemplate life, 
whilst lazily letting your gaze follow the movements of the coot in the pond.

I like it when flower borders "overflow" and dribble their gorgeous 
greenery onto the path, like by the stone wall above...

Above the stone wall in the previous photo perches the 13th-century church, 
accessed by a small path to the left.

Like so many beautiful old cemeteries here in the UK, this one also has old tomb stones leaning in all directions, like the teeth of an old grandfather who never really thought much of dentists...

This path, just outside the church, filled me with a longing to explore, to follow it and see what might lie  beyond. I did not have the time to do so on this visit, but I swear I heard it whisper my name, softly, slightly eerily... "Helena, come this way...."

I confess to having gone a little snap-happy here today, so next time 
I will show you a few more photos from beautiful Dyrham Park.
Welcome to join me then!

All the best,