Friday, September 28, 2012

Misfortune on roads at the holidays can result in increasing your car insurance costs

Not many people are aware that all those hazards which are typical during the hectic holiday season can actually put an end to your previously cheap car insurance. There are a lot of reasons why driving at the holidays can prove more dangerous, but there are steps you can take to help keep your auto insurance quotes low.

Be Careful at Shopping Destinations

During the holiday season, parking lots in shopping centers and at major department stores become much busier. There are not only a lot more cars, but there are a lot more pedestrians as well. Plus, many kids have school breaks around the holidays, which means keeping an even sharper eye out for fast-moving foot traffic. At this time of year, it’s a good idea to take extra precautions when you’re out getting shopping done.

Drive Safely

There never seems to be enough time for anyone during the holidays, and this translates into unsafe driving habits. Feeling rushed and stressed trying to get everything taken care of means other drivers aren’t practicing the type of caution they normally would on the roads. People also might have their car really loaded up with boxes and packages which limit their visibility. Take a few deep breaths before starting your engine so you can remain a calm and safe driver, and keep an extra eye out for less cautious or distracted drivers.

Watch for Walkers

The foot traffic really increases during the holidays. Whether people are out shopping more, looking at the seasonal decorations, or giving their families a quick tour of the town, there are definitely a lot more folk who are out and about. Much like drivers, pedestrians at this time of year are often distracted or rushed, and not paying as much attention as they normally would to their surrounding conditions. As a driver on the road, practice being more observant during this time frame. Double-check your blind spots and try to keep from being too distracted on the roads yourself.

By following these three tips during the holidays, you’ll be able to enjoy a safe and happy time with your family. Plus, avoiding any mishaps or accidents is a surefire way to help keep you auto insurance rates at a reasonable level.

Misfortune on roads at the holidays can result in increasing your car insurance costs

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Benefits of Business Interruption Insurance

For easily and quickly addressing problems connected to a business’ physical location with a risk of income loss, a certain type of small business insurance is designed, called “Business Interruption Insurance”. Business interruption insurance can help mitigate losses which are not typically covered by standard property insurance policies. Adding this extra coverage can really make a positive impact in the event of the unexpected, and may mean the difference between the life and death of your business.

Feel Comfortable with the Extra Protection

With business interruption insurance, your business will be protected if there is a loss of income. This can occur when it’s become impossible to do business at your existing location. Examples of why this could happen include damages due to storms or other natural disasters, break-ins, or any other circumstances which require you to do business from a different location temporarily. This can really ease the financial burden of any business which is forced to cover expenses for two different physical locations (the original and the temporary) for the short-term.

Costs Coverage

Interruption coverage will often take care of any fixed expenses as well. These are determined by examining your business records to find typical costs of those expenses, such as utilities and rent. The amount of coverage granted by the benefits for income loss is also determined by previous financial records. Extra expenses, such as those incurred by simultaneously operating from a new location while maintaining the old location, may also be covered by a business interruption policy.

Protecting Your Investment

Purchasing business interruption insurance is likely one of the most valuable coverages you can maintain for your business. Unfortunately, it’s also one of the types of business insurance policies which is very typically overlooked by business owners. It’s far too easy to forget that a physical property is needed in order to keep running the business, and take it for granted. Additionally, many business owners may incorrectly assume that property insurance covers loss of income. In reality, a property policy typically only covers physical losses such as the building itself and any inventory. For more comprehensive protection, including business interruption insurance is crucial for anyone who is interested in the longevity of their company.

The Benefits of Business Interruption Insurance

Monday, September 17, 2012

Health insurance for smokers

Without any doubt, having health insurance is a primary necessity these days despite its optional status. Any person that ever had to do anything with healthcare without a standard health insurance policy will tell you that it’s simply impossible to get proper care for reasonable money. Even an average health condition like flu or bronchitis can result in a medical bill that you’ll need to pay half of your annual salary to settle. Not to mention emergency situation when surgery and hospital care are required, and we all know that it can be as costly as hell. So whether costly or not, an insurance plan is a much more affordable option for having your health covered. But what if you make part of an insurance group that isn’t really favored these days? What’s the cost of health insurance if you’re a smoker?

Being a smoker isn’t cheap, and if you didn’t realize it already the numerous studies and social campaigns sure did their job on informing you about the costs and perils of smoking. It is a well-established fact that smoking causes certain types of cancer, has serious effects on your general health and is a serious money drain, especially if you prefer the costlier cigarette brands. But what does health insurance have to do with it?

Well, the relation is rather obvious and unambiguous. If smoking is directly related to certain health conditions that cause the customer to file insurance claims more often than health insurance will be more expensive for the customer with such a habit. That’s why smokers always get higher rates than their non-smoking peers, and the difference can be rather pronounced depending on the company and the particular demographic group the person makes part of. But wait, it can get even worse!

Some companies will be unwilling to insure you once they realize that you’re a smoker and have any pre-existing conditions that can be attributed to this habit. They will regard your application as too risky to deal with and will deny you coverage. Sure, this may seem outrageous bit there were cases like these around the country and it’s the insurer’s right to decide whether you’re suited for having your health insured with them or not. So keep this in mind when shopping around for health insurance plans, since some of the quotes may drop off once the insurers realize that you’re a smoker.

It may sure look tempting to conceal your habit when applying for health insurance, but it’s not a particularly bright thing to do. In case the insurer finds out that you’re smoking or you develop a condition that can be linked to smoking you will likely to get your policy terminated and subjected to a substantial fine. But what’s even worse, this fact will be included to your insurance history and other companies will know very well that you’ve misinformed your previous provider. As a result your rates will always be high if any insurer will accept your application at all.

So, what’s the best solution for smoker to deal with health insurance? The most logic solution would be to quit smoking as it will spare your health and offer you lower rates. If you’re not willing to give up, however, at least make sure to inform your potential insurer about the habit in order to avoid any future complications. Otherwise you risk being left without any health insurance.

Health insurance for smokers

Thursday, September 13, 2012

If You Have One of These Five Most Dangerous Jobs, Life Insurance is a Must

No.1 Commercial Fishing

Based on statistics from the year 2010, the dangers of the high seas has resulted to 116 deaths for every 100,000 commercial fishing personnel. There is a record of 129 deaths as well as 61 injuries for every 100,000 American commercial fishermen in the year 2008 alone. The fishing industry has been suffering from extremely high occupational death rates in the past few years. And probably these workers are the greater part of life insurance carriers.

No.2 Loggers

The death rate in this industry is 91.9 per 100,000. If you think you are cut out to be a logger, there are three things you need to have on your side – luck, reflexes and skills. Whether one is cutting down a big tree as heavy as 10 tons or as high as a 5-storey building, loading heavy trunks or doing other stuff related to your job, you would need to have all of abovementioned things.

No.3 Goldminer

Having to work in an open-pit mine is basically like working inside or being part of a finely tuned machine. Goldminers usually have to drive 200-ton trucks, rummage through rocks or orchestrate explosions to get near the gold. It’s not just goldminers that are exposed to this kind of environment though – other types of miners also have to deal with these dangers day in and day out. The most dangerous mining job goes to mining machine operators though because 38.7 per 100,000 of them die annually.

No.4 Garbage Collectors/Professional Recyclers

Although this job was not even in the top 10 most dangerous jobs 10 years ago, they have become deadlier in recent times. The increasing number of waste in the United States resulted to an increase in collections which means that collectors are usually on the road. Aside from machinery accidents, garbage collectors are also exposed to traffic-related accidents.

No. 5 Roofers

In 2008, there were 34 recorded deaths in every 100,000 American roofers. Although the numbers are still the same, this job is still relatively one of the most dangerous jobs in the United States. Aside from trips and falls, roofers also have to be careful when dealing with hot asphalt.

All these people have the first neccessity of a life insurance protection for their families as a financial investment. Whether you work for an industry that exposes you to danger on a daily basis or you work in an office building where it is relatively safe, getting a life insurance policy is always a good idea.

If You Have One of These Five Most Dangerous Jobs, Life Insurance is a Must