Thursday, August 30, 2012

Homeowners insurance cost depends on a house safety

Though home insurance may be not mandatory you shouldn’t think it isn’r worth getting one. If you own a house or an apartment having an insurance policy for your property is a very smart decision. There are many risks your home may be exposed to over the course of the years, from natural perils to technological disasters and simple human misbehavior. In situations like these your property may be damaged to a great extent and paying for its repair will prove to be very costly. Home insurance is designed to protect you financially in such circumstances since it pays for repairing or rebuilding your property in predetermined situations. Still, for some people the cost of having their homes insured seems to be very high. They will say that they can’t afford to have home insurance because of the rates. Fortunately, there are many effective ways to reduce the costs of having your property insured. And improving your house’s safety is certainly one of the most effective and beneficial of them.

Security and safety play a very important role in all forms of insurance. Insurers base their rates on the risk they undertake when covering a certain item (home, auto, jewelry, etc.). This risk is determined by many different factors, yet the security of the object is naturally a crucial one. The lower is an object’s (or subject’s) security, the higher is the risk of the insurance situation taking place. For example, if your car doesn’t have an alarm it is more likely to be stolen than if it had one. And that’s obvious why insurers relate their pricing on the security rating of the object they are to insure.

Let’s project this knowledge on houses and try to understand which measures should be taken for improving home security and optimizing home insurance costs. Fact is that home safety and security can be a bit complex and overwhelming since there are so many aspects involved. From simple pluming optimization and minimization of leak risks to fire alarms and video surveillance systems – it all may look too costly and time consuming. But no one’s rushing you here and you can easily take one step at a time.

What can you do to improve your home safety?

Remember the most prevalent perils homeowners insurance is designed to protect you against: fire, flood, windstorms, burglary, earthquakes, lightning, etc. Some of them cannot be prevented or protected from like in the case of earthquakes or technological disasters, while others are quite simple to prevent. Fire damage risk can be minimized by installing smoke detectors, fire alarm or even an extinguishing system. Even having a common fire extinguisher somewhere within reach can be a good measure that the insurer will take into account. Checking your roof and walls for leaks and maintaining your pluming system can be very good for decreasing flood damage. Lightning damage can be easily eliminated by having a lightning rod at the top of your house. Burglary can be prevented by having sturdy doors, quality locks, alarm and surveillance systems installed in your house.

One by one, these measures will gradually make your house more secure against a range of risks, and the home insurance company will surely notice that. The better you are at securing your property the lower will be your home insurance rates because insurers like it when the customer minimizes the risks for them. So you’re actually killing two birds with one stone here since you both make your house safer for you and your family to live in and decrease the cost of insuring it.

Homeowners insurance cost depends on a house safety

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

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